Movement Shooter (in-progress)
A game all about movement. Sliding, Shooting, Crouching, Sprinting, Grapple Hooks, Swinging, Dashing and Climbing.
This game is all about smooth movement or as I call it, Schmoovement.
I love FPS games and I decided to implement all that I can in 1 month, into this game. The focus on the game was pure fun. I took lots of inspiration from games like CSGO (surfing), Apex Legends, Titanfall 2 and Neon White and created a single level which feels like a movement playground for FPS fans. This was by far the best set of code I have ever written.
The game has multiple mechanics which are easy to pick up but difficult to master.
The Mechanics:
WASD Movement.
Grapple Hook
On a surface level these are easy to use but once a player learns to combine these they can pull of a plethora of different manoeuvres. I often found myself discovering new and fun ways of combining these movements to do stuff that I've done in games such as Apex or Titanfall 2.
Some of the mechanics also have a multitude of different uses. For instance the dash ability can be simply used to close some distance for the player. But if the enemies were to shoot at the player, then the dash can be used as a dodge as well. The grapple hook can be used to get to higher positions but can also be used as a saving grace for players who are falling. There are others and I'm sure there are some I haven't even discovered yet.
Since this game is very physics heavy, it meant that I had to learn a lot about how to implement different types of physics formulas into different situations, whether its calculating a trajectory, linear velocities, drag or projectiles, I managed to make the mechanics feel good to use and most importantly, FUN!
Besides the code side, I wanted to focus a bit more on player feedback than I have before in other 3D games I made in the past. This is something that I realised is extremely important if you want your player to have fun. The player could be moving at the speed of sound, but if there are not speedy lines, camera shake or the sound of air flying past their ears, then more often than not, players won't feel as immersed as they could.
Player feedback then led me to finally introduce myself into creating audio for games. Something that I have not properly done before. For example, I learnt how to make a crispy gunshot sound which has 4 different layers.
Actual gunshot.
Mechanical sound of weapon.
Bass sound or drum kick.
Tail sound to emphasises how loud the gun is (echo).
Furthermore for auditory player feedback I used bullet ricochet sounds so when the player hits the enemy, it gives of a satisfying metallic sound to let the player know that they hit them.
Lastly is visual feedback which is just as important as audio feedback.
Obviously having the gun and hands move when the player shoots is important but there are other factors such as hit markers, health bars or sparks flying off of the enemy when hit. I decided to implement hit particle effects when the player hits the enemy as well as an explosion when the enemy dies. Once they die, they also have a ragdoll which simply further confirms to the player the kill.
Overall I feel that every Shooter game has 1 thing in common. Movement. and it can maker or break your game. Its something that every dev does at some point and I feel that this movement is a great base to work on for something bigger that can possibly go very far.
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