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Chow Down (Mobile)

Chow Down is a South African inspired mobile Hyper Casual game where players dive into famous South African Foods.

Chow Down is a clone of the original Suika food matching game but with a twist. In Chow Down, we focused on creating a more unique selection of foods that are famous in South Africa. Furthermore, the game's focus is on getting as high a score as possible without overflowing your container, which creates strategic gameplay.

My role in this game was primarily lead programmer, however I also managed a team of 2 developers and 1 artist throughout the project.

This was also my first time being involved with monetisation strategies in which we use rewarded and interstitial ads when the player dies. After watching a rewarded ad the player is rewarded with hearts which lets them keep playing after they die and keep their current score. Moreover, we also plan on having an in-game shop which enables players to buy hearts.

Another large part of our game was learning to integrate the Google Play Platform in order for us to enable player login as well as a leader board. This is something that I feel was extremely important for me to learn as almost all modern games use player accounts. Having accounts enables developers to track all sorts of things that can then be tied to accounts. It also opens up different ways of monetization such as account bound currencies.

Finally, with the official release of the open beta of Chow Down, I have officially gone through the entire development process cycle which I see as invaluable experience for anyone in this industry. I have gone through countless hours of careful planning, prototyping, meetings and the fan favourite, bug fixing in order to release my first game.

For any further questions on any of my projects feel free to contact me:

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